New Shoes by SOWFLO

“New Shoes” By SOWFLO Review & Interview

As the East Coast roots rock reggae scene grows, there’s some absolute fire coming out of South West Florida. Paradise Coast, Naples, FL to be exact. Named after the area itself, SOWFLO has just dropped their second full length album “New Shoes” on March 15th, 2019. Dance Your Face Off was fortunate enough to review the album, and also interview Jacob Dorris (lead singer/ guitar) about the new album. We gave it quite a few spins here at DYFO, and we’re very impressed. 

Everyday Life, Everyday People

“Everyday Life, Everyday People” Slightly Stoopid Album Review

Everyday Life, Everyday People by Slightly Stoopid

Dance Your Face Off was honored to have the opportunity to review Slightly Stoopid’s 9th full length studio album, “Everyday life, Everyday People”. The album will be released later this week, on July 13th courtesy of Stoopid Records and Silverback Music. We were stoked to sit down and listen to it, especially after their last album “Meanwhile…Back at the Lab” (2015) deservingly hit number 37 on the US Billboard top 200 chart. One thing long time fans of the band (passionately referred to as Stoopidheads) already know is their ability to bring together great artist from all kinds of genres. This album is no different with  appearances from Don Carlos, Alborosie, Yellowman, Chali 2na, Ali Campbell, and G Love.